Posting data for: (⌘. to abort) Collecting data for: Connected to CSI host -- waiting for line equalization... ” command... Re-sending “ Check-sum error - will retry... Re-try: waiting for line stabilization... Preparing to collect “ Transmission error - will retry... Local history file written... Received end-of-file OK... File received and check-sum is OK... Received data line number: Sending requested message... Sent “List File” command... unused Received first data line... unused Sending message “Stop” command... Requested message sent... Creating local history file... Sent “Edit File” command... Sent “Edit Hist” command... Sending message command... Logged off from CSI successfully... Flushing modem receive buffer -- please wait... Sending “Logoff” command to CSI... Aborting per user request... Logged on to CSI successfully... Sending portfolio change command... Portfolio changes sent... Failed - retrying logon to CSI, attempt # Sending portfolio change “Stop” command... Re-sending “Stop” command... Sent “Logon” command...